Here is how to manually raise an exception in Python.

# Define a function that divides two numbers
def divide(numerator, denominator):
    # If the denominator is zero, raise a ZeroDivisionError
    if denominator == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("The denominator cannot be zero.")
    # Otherwise, return the result of the division
    return numerator / denominator 




To manually raise an exception in Python, you can use the raise keyword. This keyword allows you to throw an exception with a custom error message.

In our example, we define a function called divide() that takes two numbers as arguments and divides them. If the denominator is zero, we use the raise keyword to throw a ZeroDivisionError with a custom error message. This will cause the divide() function to stop executing and return the error message to the caller.

Alternatively, you can use the raise keyword to throw any other built-in or custom exception that you have defined. For example, you can throw a ValueError if the arguments passed to the function are not valid, or you can throw a custom MyCustomError if you have defined one.

Overall, the raise keyword allows you to manually raise an exception in Python. This is useful for handling errors and exceptional cases in your code. You can use the raise keyword to throw any built-in or custom exception, and provide a custom error message if desired.

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