Why do Python classes inherit 'object'?

In Python, every class implicitly inherits from the object class, which is the root of the class hierarchy. This is because Python follows the object-oriented programming paradigm, where everything is an object, and all objects have properties and methods that define their behavior.

When a new class is defined without specifying a superclass, Python automatically assumes that the class is inheriting from the object class. This is known as "new-style" class definition, and it was introduced in Python 2.2.

Inheriting from object provides several benefits in Python:

1. It ensures that the class is compatible with other Python code and libraries that rely on the default behavior of objects. In particular, it allows the class to be used in built-in functions such as isinstance() and issubclass(), which check object types and class relationships.

2. It provides default behaviors and attributes that are common to all objects in Python. These include the ability to create instances of the class, access the class's attributes, and call its methods.

3. It enables the use of some advanced features such as multiple inheritance and method resolution order (MRO), which allow for more complex object-oriented designs.

In summary, Python classes inherit from object by default because it ensures compatibility with other Python code and libraries, provides default behaviors and attributes, and enables the use of advanced object-oriented features. Regenerate respons

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