What can I use as a replacement for the switch statement in Python?

In Python, there are several ways to achieve the functionality of a switch statement, which is not a built-in feature of the language. Some common alternatives include:

1. Using if-elif-else statements: This is the most basic and widely used method for implementing a switch-like functionality. Each case is implemented as an elif block, with a final else block to handle any remaining cases:

def my_function(x):
    if x == "case1":
        #do something
    elif x == "case2":
        #do something
        #do something
2. Using a dictionary of functions: This method uses a dictionary where the keys are the cases and the values are the corresponding functions to be executed:
def case1():
    #do something

def case2():
    #do something

def default():
    #do something

cases = {
    "case1": case1,
    "case2": case2

def my_function(x):
    func = cases.get(x, default)
3. Using a dictionary of lambda functions: This is similar to the above method, but uses lambda functions instead of named functions:

cases = {
    "case1": lambda: #do something,
    "case2": lambda: #do something

def my_function(x):
    func = cases.get(x, lambda: #do something)
4. Using a list of tuples: This method uses a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a case and a corresponding function:
cases = [
    ("case1", case1),
    ("case2", case2)

def my_function(x):
    for case, func in cases:
        if x == case:
        #do something
5. Using the built-in dispatch function of the functools module:
from functools import dispatch

def my_function(x):
    #do something

def my_function(x):
    #do something
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